We have 35 years of experience in designing and installing kitchens for our customers throughout Southport and the surrounding areas, so whatever you have in mind for your dream kitchen, you can count on our talented kitchen designers to help you make that dream a reality. We don’t use stock imagery on our website – every kitchen you see is a real customer kitchen, tailored to suit the unique preferences and lifestyle of its owner.
When you choose us to design your dream kitchen, the first thing we’ll do is sit down with you for a friendly, in-depth discussion of what you have in mind for your space. This gives us an opportunity to find out more about your lifestyle, including how you like to cook and dine. From here, we’ll then use Computer Aided Design software to render a detailed 3D model of your dream kitchen, so that you know exactly how it will look and feel – ultimately helping us to design a modern space that’s stylish, and perfectly suited to you.
Get started with our free, no obligation Free Home Design Visit, and your personal designer will visit your home to measure up, assess the space, and find out more about you. The more they know about your preferences and lifestyle, the better they can craft your dream kitchen to suit your requirements down to the ground!
Meet the people who make it all happen.
Each of our supremely skilled designers also acts as your dedicated project manager overseeing all aspects of the project, providing you with a single point of contact from concept to completion.
After all, we know that it’s not just about perfecting the functional aspects of your kitchen, but also how it makes you feel.
Paul Harrington
Suzanne Ryan
John Crosby
Lou Roberts
Will Hustler
Simon Thomas
Chris Lunt
Grace Davids
Rowan Chick
Lauren Couperthwaite
Abi Demaine
Ava Smith